The Dow went up 936 points today, so make nice with each other

When the economy suffers, people worry. When they worry, they get a little edgy. The Social Media Avenger nearly wept when he saw this spat break out on Twitter (ok, someone else saw it and the Social Media Avenger read about it.

Here are some truly terrible excerpts:

Microsoft employees cheering their guy on in attacking TC. Microsoft can go to hell.

The Social Media Avenger certainly doesn't endorse anyone cheering on while innocent bloggers are being attacked, but let's tone down the condemming people to hell. How about inviting them for a cup of tea to discuss your difference of opinion.

@MossyBlog settled down, gave it some thought, and I still think you're a moron. and oh yeah, I just uninstalled silverlight. jerk.

Clearly, you had not settled down, Mr. Arrington. Next time try a glass of warm milk instead of an angry Tweet.

Here's a little something to make everyone feel better:

Dow jumps 936 points and S&P up 104, in the biggest point gains ever. The Dow, S&P and Nasdaq all gain over 11%

Now let's all go out for soft serve.

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